Pre-Professional Division
Highly acclaimed training creating superb dancers and intelligent choreographers.
Personalized Dance Training Curriculum
K-3rd (1.75 hrs /wk) | 4th-5th (1.75-3.5 hrs /wk) | 6th-8th (4-5 hrs /wk) | 9th-12th (6+ hrs /wk)
Our Pre-Professional Division invites students aged Kindergarten through 18 years to develop skills through a curriculum that emphasizes technique, dance creation, performance and the more advanced elements of reflection, assessment and critique. Involvement with Intuit’s professional company – ChoreoSpace – is available to students by invitation and audition.
Quick View
Pre-Professional Division

Intuit’s NEW professional dance and production company for professional dance work.

Ballet III-Adv
Classical ballet training.

Boy’s Class
Men’s variations are taught. Explore movement in a supportive, expressive environment.

Pointe training and ballet variations. Metatarsal mobility is the primary focus of the class.

Our specialty! Come learn from the best contemporary dance teachers in the area.

Learn how professionals create dances. Work on principles of composition and get creative!

Hip Hop
Very cool upbeat class. You will learn body isolations, slinky footwork and more. For K-12th

Musical Theater
Get some basics under your belt in order to audition for local musicals. 5th-12th graders welcome.

Intuit has developed an age appropriate jazz dance curriculum. A great technique class.

Partnering class is designed to help dancers learn the art and skill of partnering.

Performance Workshop
Learn how to dance in a production and be in INTUIT shows. For K-5th graders.

Rhythmical tap that is steeped in history and execution. Have fun learning the elements of tap.
Artistic Director
New Professional Dance Company
ChoreoSpace is Oak Park’s NEW dance organization and company dedicated to the production and creation of professional, original, intergenerational dance work!